Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Business in lockdown.....

Well.... that all escalated rather quickly!  One day I'm blithely sewing away, the next we're in full lockdown and bunting is the last thing on anyone's mind.

Who knew that starting a fledgling business mere weeks before a deadly global pandemic would be so difficult impossible?

Needless to say, Bunting & Bows as a business has been mothballed, although I must admit to regularly visiting my stock box of completed sets and carefully sorting through them, gaining vicarious pleasure in the memory of their creation.

However, I'm still paying for my Folksy shop, and in the past week a crafter who runs a Pop Up Emporium for local craft artisans has organised a FB virtual emporium event on 2nd May which I'm seriously considering doing.  If nothing else, it would be the impetus I need to dust off my online shop and upload more of the lovely bunting which I've made since the start of the year.

And lets face it, nobody can be uncheered by beautiful bunting.....  *fingers crossed*